The First Real-Time Monitoring System For AHU Coils

Shed light on the true performance of your most critical AHUs. Improve system reliability and minimize system operating cost with a truly intelligent solution.

Why Monitor Coils?

The true performance of AHU coils is currently a blind spot in your operation. This puts critical air handlers at risk of not meeting demand.

Coil monitoring with SmartCoil provides valuable insight into the true performance of your coils. It allows you to improve equipment reliability while also reducing overall operating costs.

What is SmartCoil?

SmartCoil is the first real-time monitoring system for AHU coils. A gateway collects data from an array of strategically placed sensors. This data is then transferred to the cloud via an integrated broadband modem.

Using a cloud-based Al machine learning algorithm, SmartCoil translates the raw coil data into insightful analytics. These analytics are made available through an online dashboard or your own BMS.


Real-Time Fouling Metrics

SmartCoil determines the rate and magnitude of coil fouling and recommends the optimal service schedule for your coils.

Performance Trending

SmartCoil leverages machine learning algorithms to predict future coil performance, enabling condition-based monitoring and life cycle analysis.

Predictive Maintenance

SmartCoil uses machine learning algorithms to determine future coil performance in areas such as peak load and life cycle analysis.

Smart Cost Savings

The real-time cost analytics of SmartCoil provide valuable insight to help you minimize energy and maintenance costs for your AHUs.

Key Attributes

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