AHU Coil Performance Analysis

The AQUIS Coil Performance Analysis (CPA) is a comprehensive onsite study that measures key AHU parameters and delivers a detailed analysis of your coil performance. The CPA provides critical intelligence for managing AHUs not available from building automation systems.

Key Benefits

Coil Capacity Analysis​​

A detailed examination of the cooling coil that gives in-depth information about the coil performance improvements before and after the AQUIS Coil Restoration process. AQUIS will calculate the coil performance improvement evaluating a total of nine (9) individual parameters.

Energy Savings Estimate

A breakdown of the estimated energy savings resulting from the AQUIS Restoration Process. In addition to the energy savings, AQUIS will include a financial analysis in the report, including cost savings, simple payback, and ROI. This economic analysis is tailor-made per facility energy costs and inflation rates.

Coil Fouling Evaluation

Estimates the rate of fouling for the coil and its impact on operational costs of the AHU. The assessment helps to predict the frequency of AQUIS Coil Restoration to achieve maximum possible positive cash flow and ROI throughout the project. At least two (2) completed coil CPAs are required.

CPA Steps

CPA Report
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