
Check out some recent posts about common AHU problems.

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AHU Condensate Pans and the Petri Dish Effect

We’ve all seen the national headlines concerning the outbreak of Legionnaires’ Disease in New York City, resulting in 12 deaths and sickening over 100 people to-date as a result of poorly maintained mechanical systems. Could…

Aging Air Handlers in Commercial Facilities

The U.S. is home to over 5 million commercial and industrial buildings, many of which have become worn with age and are in a constant state of disrepair. Additionally, the average person breathes about 3,400…

Old Campus Buildings – Old Air Handling Units

In order to stay viable and keep admission rates high, colleges and universities of today understand the demands for modernized infrastructures and the need to keep up with technological advancements. This often means construction of…

The Missing Link In Restoring Aging AHUs

Despite having a number of viable options available when it comes to retrofitting AHU components such as controls, blowers, filtration, etc., there has been a missing link when it comes to restoring the entire air…
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