Energy Savings Through AHU Optimization
Over time, biofilm build-up within cooling coils leads to lost coil efficiency and diminished air flow, making the HVAC system work harder to achieve the same or lesser system output. The AQUIS Coil Restoration process drives energy savings through increased system capacity, thereby restoring cooling coil performance and achieving desired system output while significantly reducing energy costs.
Energy Savings Benefits
- Unlocks heat transfer efficiency by increasing coil BTU performance by as much 100%.
- Decreases load on chiller plants, allowing them to run more efficiently and realize quantifiable energy savings.
- Renews coil air flow performance with demonstrated increases as high as 50%.
- Extends the useful service life of new or aging coils, delaying the cost and disruption of replacement.
Energy Savings Case Study
Increase in Cooling Capacity
Reduction in Energy Usage
Increase in Airflow
Case Study
❝The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well.❞
— John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
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